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本小松石ドアストッパー - スモール Hon-Komatsu Stone Doorstop - small
  • 本小松石ドアストッパー - スモール Hon-Komatsu Stone Doorstop - small

    Created by Masakazu Umino

    本小松石ドアストッパー - スモール

    Hon-Komatsu Stone Doorstop - small



    Honkomatsu stone is a highly valuable and rare stone that is quarried exclusively in Manazuru Town, Kanagawa Prefecture. It has been used in the construction of historical sites, including Edo Castle (now the Imperial Palace), and is regarded as one of Japan’s finest stones.

    本小松石ドアストッパー : サイズは2種類からお選びいただけます。天然石の表面と形状をそのままに、重厚感と高級感を演出したドアストッパーです。裏面に接する面は側面に傷が付きにくいよう研磨加工を施しています。見た目もスタイリッシュで、ご家庭やオフィス、店舗など、どんな場所にも馴染みます。

    Hon-Komatsu Stone Doorstop: You can choose from 2 sizes. This doorstop retains the natural surface and shape of the stone, creating a sense of weight and luxury. The side that touches the floor is polished to prevent scratches. Its stylish appearance makes it suitable for any setting, whether at home, in the office, or in stores.

    長さ×幅×高さ - 11.0cm×14.5cm×14.0cm


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      ishiyano daidokoro

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      Special thank you to Manazuru's Stone Industry Association for their collaboration

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